There comes a time when things have to slow down and everyone has to take a look around… a person HAS to absorb whatever goes on. Isn’t the world a much beautiful place at 40? Even the divider on the road looks such a wonderful creation by man! Come to think of it… what gear are you going at - 3rd, 4th or is 5th? Isn’t it time to maybe shift down the gear by a notch and enjoy whatever passes by? The orange color of the traffic signal isn’t that bad too… looks trendy! How about the roadside fruit seller… did you ever notice how many fruits is he selling? Somehow, at 40, the time is just about enough to notice what exactly happens on his cart. Or even the mithai wala at the corner of the road – you don’t realize what goes on at his shop if you are going too fast. 40 once again comes to the aid. Should I stop by and get something for myself? Should I try that thing that I just saw? So many questions but only one answer at 60 – NO! Life @ 40… still enticing.
The road ahead can still not be ignored. A lot lies ahead and you still have to maneuver through the maze of traffic. So many events to think about… so many people to worry about and miles to go before you go to sleep. Don’t even dare to sleep! A momentary lapse in concentration can turn the world around!! How would life be @ 60? Would things happen quickly? To be so observant @60 or not be – that is the big question! By the time one reaches 60, so many things have passed by. So many people have been left behind – some known, some unknown. That’s life! A destination still has to be reached.
The journey @ 40 seems to be much better than the one @ 60. Running over somebody is the last thing on mind. As they say – life begins @40. Life, indeed, is beautiful @ 40!
Cars passing by.. Cyclists staring.. Autos overtaking…. That’s l